Dorchester Drama will be proud to present ‘Trap For a Lonely Man’ by Robert Thomas.
A gripping psychological thriller set in a French alpine chalet. A man reports his wife’s disappearance to the police but soon a woman turns up, claiming to be his wife, and makes herself at home. He insists he has never met her, she seems to know all about him and has evidence to prove it. What is the explanation? As the plot twists and turns a conspiracy unfolds and the tension and mystery build to the final moments.
Performance of this play will be at the Dorchester Town Hall , High St East
Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1HF
Thursday 30 July – Saturday 1 August 7.30pm plus Saturday matinee at 2.30pm.
Tickets will be available from the box office number, Dorchester TIC and on the website later.