The Ladies of Dorchester Drama have been out buying hats, not for a wedding, but for the latest production “Ladies Day” by Amanda Whittington.

“Work, love and life are just one long hard slog for the fish filleting foursome Pearl, Jan, Shelley and Linda. But their fortunes are set to change when Linda finds tickets to Ladies’ Day at Royal Ascot the year it relocated to York. Out go the hairnets, overalls and wellies, as the four ditch work, do themselves up to the nines and head off for a drink, a flirt and a flutter. If their luck holds, they could hit the jackpot – and more besides!”
Meanwhile, downstairs, other Dorchester Drama members are getting together for a drink or two and to read through some other scripts, from Ayckbourn to Coward and beyond.
If you fancy joining in, helping out with the play or just the social side, come along to the Victoria pub in Dorchester on Monday evenings, 7:30ish for the next few months.