Monthly Archives: February 2015


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While the play rehearsals are going on, the social evening play readings are also going down well. We’ve had several plays offered to us by their authors and these evenings allow us to have a look at them.

Next week however we’re meeting at the Vic on Wednesday 11th Feb, to read through an Alan Aykbourne, always a favourite with cast and audiences.

The week after we’ll meet on Tuesday 17th Feb. What we do/read is to be confirmed. If there’s anything you’d like to have a go at, just let us know.

And finally, Preston Pantomime Group are presenting Sleeping Beauty by Norman Robbins (Yes, it’s the same Mr Robbins that wrote Tomb with a View), at Preston Village Hall.

Tuesday 17th-Friday 20th Feb 7:30pm and Sat 21st Feb at 2:30pm & 7:30pm.

Tickets are £6 for adults and £4 for children available from Lynn on (01305)834410