Monthly Archives: June 2015

Summer Timetable update….

DD Logo         List of Summer events.

We’ve finalised some dates for the summer timetable, so diaries out……

  • 24th June. Improvisation and theatre games. Sunninghill Hall. 7:30pm
    Remember ‘Who’s Line is it Anyway’?, well this probably won’t be like that at all…..
  • 1st July. Stage fighting Workshop.  Sunninghill Hall. 7:30pm
    Who hasn’t wanted to wield a foil in a satisfying (and convincing)fashion?, despatching pirates and foes left right and centre. Thanks to Pete Stockman for offering to run this one for us.
  • 8th July. Play Reading – Toad of Toad Hall. Sunninghill Hall. 7:30pm
    A few of us have had a chance to read through a couple of versions, but now it’s been decided which one we’re doing in November, come and get your first glimpse at what the directors have planned. Casting will follow in later months but this will give you an idea of which part you’d like to try for.
  • 15th July. Acting workshop. Sunninghill Hall. 7:30pm
    Sue Wylie has very kindly offered to run this one for us. Having worked with Sue on several things, including the last Community Play,  I know this will be good and we’ll learn something.
  • 22nd July. Social and Performance eveningSunninghill Hall. 7:30pm
    Polish up your party piece or put together a new sketch. Let us know if you require a supporting partner or even a director.
    The last one of these we did saw a full array of acts and went down very well.
    More details to follow.
  • 29th July. AGM. Venue tbc.
    Our Annual General Meeting. A chance for you to volunteer to sit on next years committee and have a say in what we do. Or at least just to come along and see the working behind the group.

And Finally…..

Auditions & reading for ‘Toad’ will be on the 26th August and 2nd September.
Rehearsals will be every Monday and Wednesday evening from 7th Sept onwards.

We will be shortly after asking for backstage crew as well, so if you’re keen on working behind the scenes, stage managing, props etc. let us know asap.


Summer Timetable

DD Willow icon

Dorchester Drama has put together a summer programme of play readings and workshops to culminate in a social evening with performances on Wednesday 22nd July – full details of the programme to follow shortly, but please, dig out that short monologue you’ve always wanted to do, come along to a regular Wednesday evening to find a partner for that funny sketch you love, and put something together for the 22nd.

 In the meantime we will be continuing with another taster for our autumn production of “Toad of Toad Hall”.  Following on from Dees “Introduction to the Riverbank” where we released our inner toads (and moles and Water voles) , Lee will be running a workshop entitled “Colours, Shapes and Moods of the Riverbank” this Wednesday 17th June at Sunninghill community Hall. It should be fun, please do come along.

 See you soon